constatari Kuala Lumpur

Cause and Effect Sutra

Cause and Effect SutraSunt nici de 3 zile in Asia, nu-mi propusesem sa gasesc Calea, insa calea a dat peste mine. Am intrat intr-un templu budist-chinezesc si acolo mi s-a-ntamplat.

Se cheama Cause and Effect Sutra si e o explicatie simpla, clara, cu ilustratii, a implicatiilor actiunilor noastre.

Si cum nu puteam sa fiu atat de zgarcit cat sa tin pentru mine am reprodus cateva pagini zic eu relevante. Bine, exista dupa cum o sa vedeti mai jos si niste avantaje directe ale acestei diseminari.

Effect:Why in this life you have clothing in great variety? Cause: Because you have donated warm clothing to monks.

Effect:Why you are a Government Officer in this-life? Cause: Because you have built Buddha’s images in your previous life.

Effect: Why in this life you have bad bodily odor? Cause: Because you have sold incense with dishonesty in your previous life.

Effect:The Cause and Effect must not be treated as a small matter. Cause: The Buddha’s words are truth. you must not sight.

Effect:You are a MInister or and Officer in this-life…. Cause: You gain the fruits because you cultivated with pains in your previous life.

Effect:Why in this life you have disabled hands? Cause: Becouse you have commited evils with your hands in your previous life.

Effect:Wether you reaped or you sowed…
Cause: If you suffer in hell, blame yourself for what you did in your previous life.

Effect:Why in this-life you are so intelligent and wise? Cause: Becouse you were a devout Buddhist and sober vegetarian in your previous life.

Effect:If you in this-life print and distribute the Cause and Effect Sutra free to all… Cause: You will become a leader to humanity in your next life.

Effect:Do not think the Cause and Effect is fallacious. Cause: It will manifest either immediatley or later in your life…

Effect:Why in this-life you are pretty and handsome? Cause: Because you respectfully offered flowers to the Buddha’s altar in your previous life.

Effect:Why in this-life you spew blood? Cause: Becouse you have eaten meat while praying in your previous life.

Effect:Why in this-life you have wry mouth? Cause: Because you have intentionally blown out candles before the Buddha’s altar in your previous life.

3 replies on “Cause and Effect Sutra”

Nu stiu exact, nu mult, e interesant, dar nu cred ca merita stat mai mult de 2-3 zile. Zgarie nori, trafic teribil si noxele de rigoare.
Acum suntem in drum spre Pulau(insula) Perhentian dar o sa ne intoarcem in KL, insa, cu ajutorul sus-mentionatului Buddha, nu pentru prea multe zile. Asta, evident daca am fost adecvati in viata anterioara :)

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