

Sibayak volcano, Berastagi, Sumatra

Un vulcanel la care se poate ajunge pe un drum pavat pana aproape de capat. Insa aproape la capat, dupa fo 1.5h de mers pe langa padure, drumu’ se termina si gata. Am stat, m-am dat pe langa boscheti, m-am scarpinat pe scafarlie, am cautat urme de bascheti in iarba, m-am mai scarpinat pe scafarlie, tot degeaba (desi de multe ori scarpinatul ajuta).


Selamat Datang

welcome to our town sign in Takengon, Aceh, Sumatra

WelCome to Our Town
We hope you will understand our request
that you dress decently.
Short pant are not considered suitable for street wear and likewise your shirt should cover your shouders
always wear a smile
remember that in Indonesia the local people
will treat you as you appera to be.

WelCome to Our TownWe hope you will understand our request that you dress decently.Short pant are not considered suitable for street wear and likewise your shirt should cover your shouders always wear a smile
remember that in Indonesia the local peoplewill treat you as you appera to be.

Backpacker warning sign, as seen in Takengon (I think), Aceh


Facebook under alles!

Facebook couture
Facebook couture, in Blangkejeren, a small dusty village in Aceh, Sumatra

Base connection. Poate cea mai buna metoda de a nu-ti uita prioritatile :)

Sumatra tranzit

quick update

west sumatra islands map

Quick update, pentru ca posturile sunt cu aprox o luna in urma (sunt mult mai harnic pe twitter & 4sq). Totusi, contrar zvonurilor inca nu m-am ratacit. Intre timp m-am invartit pe langa Medan, Lake Toba, Gunung Leuser, Banda Aceh, Pulau Weh, ma rog, o serie de toponime.

Si de maine incerc sa tzopai de pe insula pe insula tangent llitoralului apusean al Sumatrei. Zic ca ‘incerc’ pentru ca nu mi-e clar inca cum se face, de fapt daca exista conexiuni (pe-aici a trecut de 2 ori tsunami-ul), sau daca voi gasi mateloti / pescari prietenosi pe drum.

Pe-acasa, cum e vremea?


Berastagi foto

Life in loops (mechanical Sisyphus)

roller-coaster life

motorbike stunt, riding in a closed barrel wall


Escape from Tangkahan