Sau Five Principles for Guarding Maiden Chastity
Deci, fetele: tonu ridicat, picioarele-apropiate, stati acasa, cititi carti etc.
Deci chinezii se straduie, desi nu pare sa le mearga – daca e sa-i iei la numarat :)
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unu | harsh tones
When being harassed by strangers, one must reprove in harsh tones. Ambiguous response or borderline behaviors are forbidden.
doi | legs must draw tightly close together.
When one’s boyfriend tries to break through the last ditch, one must not convey any pleasurable facial expression and the legs must draw tightly close together.
trei | avoid exposed males, read books
When having questions concerning the physiology of the opposite sex, one should look it up in books. One must not wander around late night looking for exposed males.
patru | don’t think, don’t wink
When attending good friends/classmates’ wedding, one should bless the couple whole-heartily. One must not coquettishly wink at the bridegroom or sending flirtatious signals to the best man.
ultima | repent
If unfortunately one loses her virginity, one must not look as if being blessed with a rebirth or show any gratification on one’s face.