constatari Pai quickies

It’s not downshifting, it’ Dudeism!

dudeismCome join the slowest-growing religion in the world. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap.

Pentru cei cativa care au gasit Raspunsul, vine si completarea lexicala, made in Pai – nu c-ar conta prea tare, dar ajuta la propaganda, presupunand ca s-ar obosi cineva prea tare cu asta.

Some of you (hopefully not the editors) may have asked yourselves by now, ‘Why is this regular column on ‘Dudeism’ printed in this newspaper?’ The fact that you’re probably wondering this while hanging out in a hammock, sipping a banana shake while listening to mellow Jack Johnson tunes might supply a clue. Also, you’re probably wearing flip flops.

Welcome to the curch. Spread the love:

4 replies on “It’s not downshifting, it’ Dudeism!”

tocmai ce-am terminat de citit post-urile tale – de la primul pina la ultimul.
bravos, domnule alex at dordeduca dot ro!
cu citeva exceptii terrangane, kophangane si phukete cam pe-acolo pe unde ai fost matale mi-au trecut si mie talpile in ultimii 4-5 ani…
poate ne intersectam, cu toate ca habar nu am pe unde urmeaza sa o arzi tu in urmatoarele luni.
eu o sa incep cu HK/Macao in jur de anu nou, dupa care zbor la jakarta si de-acolo dumnezeu (sau buddha sau allah) cu mila.
o intrebare – cum faci matale downshifting (sau dudeism) cu mac-u si cu mobilu? no offence…
safe travels!

Pai e un iBook ieftin, de generatie veche :) Si sustin ca fac downshifting da cu siguranta fac pauza.
Eu o sa-mi petrec sarbatorile crestinesti in Laos, dupa care Vietnam si poate Cambodgia, si cu siguranta Indonezia – unde ma gandesc sa ma invart ceva mai mult timp.
Ar fi placut sa ne intersectam. Keepintouch.

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