geeky Indonezia

Indonesia linkdump

thought it might be worth sharing: Indonesia centric resources, mostly magazines, article repositories / references. I just found the lovely link to The Malay Archipelago then decided to post some others, related resources.

The Malay Archipelago []
The Malay Archipelago (1869) by Alfred Russel Wallace: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird or paradise. A narrative of travel, with sketches of man and nature.

Inside Indonesia []
Indonesia centric, Australian based webzine

Gunung Bagging []
Climbing the mountains of indonesia

PapuaWeb []
Information network for students, researchers, development workers, community leaders, government agencies and others working on issues relevant to Papua, Indonesia

Sumatra Eco-turism []
Travel information for north part of Sumatra (Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra). Useful and to the point.


Asian Studies Virtual Library / Indonesia Indonesia section / Society and Culture from the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library. # [The Coombsweb is the world’s oldest and most prominent Asian Studies online research environment. Its Web pages are designed for transmission speed, not fancy looks.] :)

Indonesian Islands Maps [flickr] – this dude scanned heaps of maps of (sometimes overlooked) islands of the INdonesian archipelago

The Jakarta Post – English newspaper – daily news, focused on Java / Jakarta

Tempo Interactive – weekly? magazine – Official site of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Indonesia

Borneoscapes: Visual Notes Good information scraps & photos on Borneo / Kalimantan – it was a golden discovery for my travels in Kalimantan (Indonesian side of Borneo). International Institute for Social History’s reference section on Indonesia

delicious/dordeduca/indonesia [the place where I gather these links]

One reply on “Indonesia linkdump”

As mai adauga neaparat in lista ta: Miguel Covarrubias – Island of Bali.
O carte atotcuprinzatoare despre istoria, obiceiurile, locurile si oamenii de acolo. Acest pictor a fost printre primii occidentali care au debarcat in Bali prin anii ’30 cand a scris si cartea asta.
Chiar si azi e considerata cea mai valoroasa scriere despre Bali. O carte pe care merita sa o citesti chiar daca nu ajungi niciodata in Bali, atat de bine e scrisa.

Desi nu e frumos, dau si un link cu scan-ul cartii.

Scan-ul e totusi infect, asa ca va invit sa cumparati o varianta pe hartie mai buna de pe amazon.

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