geeky quickies

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geeky Indonezia

Indonesia linkdump

thought it might be worth sharing: Indonesia centric resources, mostly magazines, article repositories / references. I just found the lovely link to The Malay Archipelago then decided to post some others, related resources.

The Malay Archipelago []
The Malay Archipelago (1869) by Alfred Russel Wallace: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird or paradise. A narrative of travel, with sketches of man and nature.

Inside Indonesia []
Indonesia centric, Australian based webzine

Gunung Bagging []
Climbing the mountains of indonesia

PapuaWeb []
Information network for students, researchers, development workers, community leaders, government agencies and others working on issues relevant to Papua, Indonesia

Sumatra Eco-turism []
Travel information for north part of Sumatra (Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra). Useful and to the point.

geeky quickies

Sa ne punem in cap

world down under map
1, 2, 3, 4

Lumea vazuta de canguri lilieci :)
Am studiat nitel aspectul asta – se pare ca la inceput estul era in partea superioara a hartilor, de unde si cuvantul orientare.

Mai multe povesti aici


Caught stealing

Seara, pe marginea trotuarului cu Gelu pe genunchi.

Duduie (americanca): Oh, do you have internet there?
Io (mimand o semijena vinovata): Uhhh, yes, I’m stealing (Wi-Fi) from the pour. Si continui cu o vaga justificare .
Duduie (zambind intelegator/complice): Yes, but at least it’s a good old mac!

What’s wrong with these people?